Dream of the pavilion

Dream of the pavilion is what mean?Dream dream of the pavilion?Dream of the pavilion have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the pavilion the detailed solution.

Dream of the pavilion

Dream of the pavilion, suggesting that inner desire to seek stimulate sex.Maybe a mediocre or less progress in real life love, let you feel very depressed.

Men dreamed of the pavilion, you want to have a chance to relax after work.

Women dream of the pavilion, suggests that you want to find an emotional sustenance.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: pavilion is the house in natural, open and covered, symbol can be open mind.People often dream of scenic spot of the pavilion in the dream.

Psychological analysis: in the dreamer's subconscious mind, life is like a travel, so every pavilion can represent a stage of life.

Spiritual symbol: from the mental analysis, dreamed of a pavilion symbol open mind.

Case analysis of dream of the pavilion

Dream description: I love to play, like to play hillside between clear water, so my dream is also there will be a tourist.I dreamed that I in mountain climbing, above the top of the mountain there is a pavilion, standing in the pavilion, the breeze blow gently, panoramic view of various scenarios, ease and mine.(female, 23 years old)

Resolution: dream the dream the pavilion, is the anchorage of feelings.Pavilion of the dream that you want in your heart can have a cool and refreshing elegant living space.Men dreamed of the pavilion, you want to have a chance to relax after work.Women dream of a pavilion, hope you have a emotional sustenance.

Dream of the pavilion

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