Dream of ladder steps

Dream of ladder steps is what mean?Dream dream of ladder steps?Dream of ladder steps have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of ladder steps detailed solution.

Dream of ladder steps

Dream of the stage, and predict prospect is bright, will ease your previous concerns.

Dream down the steps that you may encounter unfortunate events.

Dreamed that fell down on the steps, indicate what you do is likely to lose unexpectedly.

Dream of repair or construction of the roof, suggest you will let their wealth increase quickly.

Dreamed of themselves stone steps, or pick up order, usually indicative career is steadily forward, or predict will get promoted.

Dream of down the steps, writing on the wall, will be out of luck.

Workers dream of down the steps, will be demoted.

Traders dream down the steps, the business will be increasingly recession.

Dreamed up the steps, means a promotion.

Businessman who dreamed up the steps, make a fortune.

Staff dreamed up the steps, the position will be promoted.

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