Dream of a dark room

What is the meaning of dream of dark room?Dream dream of dark room?Dream of dark room with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of dark room detailed solution.

Dream of a dark room

Dream of the black house, usually is the symbol of your own inner, suggest your attention from the outside world and retreat back to his own inner world.

If the dream to feel dark and cold in the room, may say in thine heart lost loved ones feel deep loss and pain.

Dream of darkness, suggested that you may have a very heavy pressure in my heart, or too depressed mood, the pain which is unable to resolve, etc.

Dream of the dark, at the same time also to remind you don't lost yourself.

Men dreamed of darkness, and sometimes, said you perplexed at the future, feel no way out.

Women dream of dark, sometimes lost confidence to the life, feelings, marriage, blank inner void.

In addition, the dream of darkness, sometimes your self protection mechanism is the dream work.Your subconscious mind may be trying to suppress your back during the day, or in the past life, those important feelings or thoughts but it caused you pain.

If the dream of walking in the dark, means you may get what you have to give up or lose.

Dreaming that I am looking for light from the darkness that will eventually be a thing of the past pain and difficulties, you will find hope in life through his own efforts, through the painful days lost.

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