Dream of the barn

Dream of what is meant by the barn?Dream dream of barn?Dream of reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the barn the detailed solution.

Dream of the barn

If the warehouse full of particles in full ripe millet, and very good corn on the cob, surrounded by barn, is a sign of great success.If it is empty barn, may be just the opposite.

Dream is empty barn, writing on the wall.

Dream of warehouse filled with particles in full ripe millet, and very good corn on the cob, surrounded by barn, this is a sign of great success.

Dream of granary grain full, although the economy is not very good, now you home but as long as the steadfast efforts, doug will be increasingly prosperous, the economy will improve.

Dreamed of empty granary, suggesting that the economy is not as stable as they want, don't have a recent speculation risky behavior.

Dream of granary is empty, and there areThe mouseIn and out, remind the home there is a prodigal, just like the mouse in the house of steal things out, the poor family.

Dream of the barn

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