Dream of public toilets

What is the meaning of dream of public toilet?Dream dream of public toilet?Dream of public toilets have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of public toilets in detail solution.

Dream of public toilets

publicThe toiletAre common in the street, it is not surprising that will appear in your dreams.

If a man dreaming that I am in a public toilet shit, suggests that the dreamer will be sick.

If the girl dreaming that I am in a public toilet shit, suggests that the dreamer will insulted and discrimination, should be careful.

Dream of the toilet stool,Dream of shit, is good omen, shit then represent a property.

Dreamed that he widened to presage a recent life pressure will be bigger, the material wealth.

Dreamed of public toilet case analysis

Dream description: dreamed that he entered the public toilets, public toilets are rows of squat in the pattern, but all feel dirty to stand up.I do not know such a dream is what meaning?

Dreams resolution: the toilet is dirty and lack of positive symbol.Dream in the toilet, the need for secrecy and symbol of the dreamer freedom in their own space to vent the feelings of desire.Dream of the toiletAre symbols of the secret of the personal, about their secret feelings, desires, and thoughts of feelings, etc.Dream of entered a strange toilet, said the dreamer can't find some sort of way;Dream of cleaning a dirty toilet, said the dreamer drop constraint patterns of behavior, or to release depressive feeling.

Dream of public toilets

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