Dream of the attic

Dream of attic is what mean?Dream dream of attic?Dream of attic with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteLoft) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of the attic

The attic, in the dream also said a slender sensitive love life.

Men dreamed of attic, indicate that you have possession of the secret.

A womanDream of the attic, said meet the happiness of life, feeling fine.If the dream of attic abnormal neat, also suggested that some of you are too nervous, on weekdays are always too formal, stiff, carefully, thus the lack of the illicit close space to relax.

Dreamed about in the attic of the box, say you may have a long-stalled plans, or failed to achieve.If the dream of yourself to open the box, or shake off the dust, suggest that you are going to rediscover the pursuit of the former and ambition.

Dreamed that I go to the attic, or climbed into the loft high and suggests that the dreamer is seeking something in the heart, but may sometimes because too theoretical, and divorced from reality.

Workers dream of attic, portends a will get the appreciation of leadership.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream's cabinet.The literati and the imperial palace of the dream, all big ".The broken dream secretary

Dream kuixing pavilion, business.Dream of the main article takes an exam the auspicious.Dream and after week, jing, just like a dream, is to FengJin life repair."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of the attic in case analysis

Dream description: sleep, I like to live in a beautiful courtyard.The building is not high, has the attic above.The grass is green around before and after.The building design was very chic, like a fine piece of art stands in the background of the green.(male, 28)

Dream dream resolution: attic, represents the social status and love life.Dream in the attic, no matter what style of, all is the symbol of the good things.Attic appears in the dream of man, is the symbol of social status to improve.The attic appeared in the woman's dream, is the symbol of a happy life.

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