Dream of straw

Dream of straw is what mean?Dream dream of straw?Dream of straw with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of straw detailed solution.

Dream of straw

Dream of straw, represents the dreamer heart want quiet, insipid life, also be the pursuit of the dreamer in capacious and bright big house.Suggest the dreamer under appropriate relax entertainment, will ease their inner pressure.

Dream of structures, straw, indicate the dreamer may be a religious.

Dream of thatched cottageA woman, suggesting that the dreamer may open the hidden treasure.

Dream of live in thatched cottage family, means that the dreamer's life will be rich.

Dream of thatched house, want to buy a house soon.

Dreaming that I sleep in a thatched house, said in poor health, as well as their discontent.

Dream of green pastures have a thatched house, said to thrive, but happiness is over.

Women dream of thatched cottage, her husband died, son will be driven out of the house.

Dream of thatched houseThe fireThat the disaster will come.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream cottage thatched cottage.Dream look see ji, the Lord of the wall wear bad is fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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