Dreamed that he became a warden

Dreamed that he became a warden is what mean?Dream dreamed that he became a warden?Dreamed that he when the warden has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreaming that I when the warden's detailed solution.

Dreamed that he became a warden

In a dream, a prison like wealth, a symbol of the warden is keep.

Dreamed that he became a warden, which indicated they will be a bank employee or housekeeper wealthy people, enterprises cashier cast.

Dream of quarrel with the warden, freedom will be limited.

Dream of making friends with the prison officials, reputation.

Prisoners dream of warden forgive yourself, will be released soon.

Prisoners dream of reviled the warden, will soon be out of jail.

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