Dream weaving

Dream weaving is what mean?Dream dream weaving, ok?Dream weaving have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream weaving.

Dream weaving

Dream weaving, will be happy.

marriedA womanDream weaving, will be worth one hundred times.

Unmarried men dream weaving, can marry a beautiful jade, the daughter of a Renaissance.

Unmarried women's dream weaving, can marry a broad-minded man, self-motivated.

Textile workers dream weaving, income will collapse.

Traders dream weaving, soon will become the country's wealthy.

Dream weaving case analysis (by)

The dream description: who grew up in the city, may never seen how to weave.Is in the countryside, weaving are also less and less.I'm not going to weave, but the dream, has woven particularly well, praised by the sisters.(female, 23 years old)

Resolution: dream weaving a dream, means happiness and happiness.Dream weaving, indicate your life full of happiness.Unmarried women dream weaver, it shows that you are practical and thus get the favour of the opposite sex.Married women dream weaver, it shows that you are industrious and intelligent.It is a dream predictor for your family happiness.

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