Dream of a wage increase

Dream of a wage increase is what mean?Dream dream of a raise?Dream of wage increase have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a wage increase of the detailed solution.

Dream of a wage increase

Dream of a wage increase, writing on the wall, will be cut.Or presage a dreamer in the near future will have a difficult life, for money.

Dream himself to a raise, it shows that the dreamer can't proud, and desire to work, otherwise may lower level.

After the dream of a wage increase and costs, suggesting that the dreamer in reality some pay attention to thrift.

Dream of salary, indicates his very short of money recently, very want to pay

Dreamed to others to pay, it shows that the dreamer will have a sum of money.

Dream of others refused to give themselves a pay rise, symbolizes the dreamer but will get a surprise.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: people can get the corresponding wage through work.Dreaming that I get salary, you work very well in real life.Dreaming that I pay for others say you still others payment in arrears.In addition, the dream reflects your dedicated their pay envelopes.

Psychological analysis: from the spiritual level, the dream represents your wages due reward.

Dream of a wage increase

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