Dream of picking dates

What is the meaning of dreamed to pick a date?Dream dreamed to pick a date?Dream of picking dates with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of picking dates detailed solution.

Dream of picking dates

Dream of picking dates, good omen, life was very rich.

Traders dream of picking dates, will find a good project to make money.

A womanDream of picking dates, life will be very rich.

Women dream of jujube, indicate the dreamer fasts.

Dream of eating TianZao, indicated that the dreamer will be thrifty.

Dream of acquisition date, indicate the dreamer to expand the business.

Dream of selling dates, indicated that the dreamer will become the most popular local people.

Dream date to give others, because of hard to serve the people, will get the affection of his people.

Dream of everywhere, and the date, will get into trouble with relatives.

Dream of others for their date, indicate the dreamer's property change.

Dream of jujube friends give yourself, property and will be deprived of freedom.

Dream of elaborated, dry the dragon in the day, good dream.Said you will rise high, and you will get the trust of others.

Dream of eating zizyphus jujube, this is the writing on the wall, and its health effects.

Traders dream of eating dates, indicate the dreamer in his business development abroad.

The patient dreamt of eating dates, indicated that the dreamer will recover soon.

Tourists dream of eating dates, this is the omen, the road may occur outside things.

Dream of servants working in childhood eat jujube, indicate the dreamer was demoted, or suspended.

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