Dream of picking cotton

What is the meaning of dream of picking cotton?Dream dream of picking cotton?Dream of picking cotton have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of picking cotton in the detailed solution.

Dream of picking cotton

Dream of cotton, means rich.

Dream of picking cotton in the field, means that the business is thriving, bonanza.

In love, fall in love in the dream of picking cotton, explain the meaning of something.

Dream of pick immature cotton, immature cotton represents the emotional and financial resources and a distance, need to be careful if you want the time to mature, I wish you good luck!

Dream of cotton, symbols of wealth, good luck and happiness.

Dream of large cotton field, indicated that the future will be how great you expensive, old age happiness with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Dreamed of in the field to pick a bolls that increase your income, or the business is thriving, huge profits.

Has a variety of colors of cotton in the dream, suggest you warm happy life in the future.

Dream of the wind blow away the cotton, suggest you may have unexpected economic losses.

Dream of yellow cotton, indicated that you will marry a wealthyA womanAs a wife.

Business people dreamed of cotton cotton factory, means that they will profit by cotton value-added.

Traders dream of cotton, means that the change will make he is engaged in the development of the industry better.

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