Dream of picking cucumber

Dream of picking cucumber is what mean?Dream dream of picking cucumber?Dream of picking cucumber with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of picking cucumber detailed solution.

Dream of picking cucumber

Dream of picking cucumber, inauspicious, will encounter suffering.

Dream of picking cucumber, patient can aggravate.

Prisoners dream pick cucumbers, sentence will lengthen.

A pregnant womanDream of cucumber, will beson

Pregnant women dream of picking cucumber, need to pay attention to themselves and their children's health.

Dream of cucumber, said health and developed.

The patient dreamt of eating cucumbers dishes, says he will soon be restored to health.

Dream of cucumber, to those who have been married, the change of mean life pleasant.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream melon (cucumber), wang ji.Dreams take wang melon, sacrifice the blessed;King dream to eat the melon, the main disease dash, dark eye surgery, spleen and drain."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

King dream melon (cucumber).Dreams take wang melon, priest, the blessed god, to enjoy long filial piety;King dream to eat melon, Lord sick cure namely, dark heavy, spleen drain and check.The broken dream secretary

Dreamed of cucumber case analysis:

Always dream the dream description: recently and often dreamed of in a very old house before.One day, she dreamt that he came to the old house before, so she just walked in, the room is empty, what also have no, across the room, she came to the backyard, see a garden, in the middle of nothing, but in the corner edge of a lot of cucumber, cucumber has matured, the heart, see the corner there was a basket, she thought the cucumber has matured, so he put them all to pick down, finally she picked a basket, full of her back with a basket of cucumber, flattered to go.

Resolution: dream in a dream, cucumber symbolizes the prosperity.And dropped the cucumber is not good, can have unfortunate things happen.

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