Dream of invitation

What is the meaning of dream of invitation?Dream dream of invitation?Dream of invitation have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of inviting the detailed solution.

Dream of invitation

Dream about being invited, usually said the recent communicative activities to increase, and will bring you more opportunities.

Dream of oral invited to participate in an activity, suggests that the dreamer collapse more friends and popularity is very good, social activities will increase;

Dream of receiving invitation or invitation, suggest you will be taken seriously by people, and have the opportunity to get promoted, improve the status.

Dreamed someone verbally invite you to go home, or a friend's house party, indicate that you recently in communicative activities, to pay more attention to their words and deeds, to avoid an accident, or embarrassing, embarrassing yourself.

A womanDream of being invited to the wedding, predicted in the near future will receive a surprise gift, get new jewelry and clothing, etc.

Patient dreamed of being invited to the wedding, you must be aware of the recent health, portend terminally ill, or even death.

If dreaming that I was invited to attend the banquet, the recent should pay attention to body health, get sick.

If the staff dreaming that I go to the party boss, is you will to the attention of the leadership, improve, or increase the salary.

Dreamed of was invited to attend the concert, or watching drama, performances, etc., mean you in the near future will make new friends, and benefit from friendship.

Dreamed of invitation case analysis (BY)

Description: dream a dream, just go to work when I come back on a business trip, the table of wang asked whether I have the things well.Then she added: "rightness, Zhang Jie, this have a invitation, is for you."I received the invitation, open on see, is inviting me to attend the opening ceremony of a company.(women, 34)

Dreams resolution: when you are invited, is the symbol of social activity increases.If you are invited to an oral activities, show your friend more, popularity is very good.This is a dream that promises you social activities will increase.Dream of been written invitation, or others to send invitation, show your prestige is higher, is valued by others, this dream indicates your status will be more and more high.

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