Dreamed that the teacher praised

Dreamed that the teacher praised what meaning be?Dream dreamed that the teacher praised, ok?Dream is influenced by the teacher praised a reality and reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteSmall make up to help you organize dreamed that the teacher praised the detailed solution.

Dreamed that the teacher praised

Dreamed that the teacher praised, portend an overcast academically.From days of staying up late, in the class had started playing tuo...Results criticized by the teacher.This is known as the dream.

Dream of praise by the teacher, said you don't have in homework, although very trying to catch up with, but still no good grades, and the teacher to take care of you, make you very very much obliged.

Dream of others praise yourself, in the near future to good luck.

Instead dreaming that I praise others, catastrophe will happen.

Dream are praised by friends and family, it is ominous, mean dream people be cheated.

Dreamed of was praised by his wife, his wife will be misbehaving, disgusting.

Dream of man praise yourself, business will be a mess, men will be listening to myself.

Dream of praise his own wife, friends or relatives, is auspicious, life will be happy.

Dream of praise your enemies, and will be attacked by the enemies, authority is damaged.

Workers dream of praise his own boss, promotion a raise, or to a prize.

Such as dream of boss praise yourself, will be criticized by the boss, may be demoted.

A womanDream of is praised by others, means not contentment, the wife of her husband.

Students dreamed of by other people's praise,The testWill be excluded.

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