Dream of archery bow and arrow

What is the meaning of dream of archery bow and arrow?Dream dream of archery bow and arrow?Dream of archery arrows are realistic and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of archery bow detail solution.

Dream of archery bow and arrow

The work is smooth, everything is good.But if the dream is the arrows which hit my body, you should always beware of, such as dog breath is and traffic accidents.

For those who have shot will be the main travel.

One shot for pedestrians to.

The main business lines with bow.

Wan bowstring break the evil.

People go to send crossbow manpower.

Crossbow string on hard brother.

Crossbow fight debate.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: shoot the main work is smooth, all the best.

The arrows which psychological analysis: the dream is in my body, are wary of everything, if your breath is, traffic accidents, etc.

Dreamed of archery bow case analysis (@)

Description: dream a dream I went back to before a certain age, I am the princess of the castle, a man (don't know who) let him to turn on the disk, and then shot him to death with a bow and arrow.In fact it is a dream I do several times, so remember deeply.(female, 18 years old)

Dream resolution: in ancient times, is a sign of deep subconscious;Castle is the center of the dominate an area, which represents the dreamer's heart.

Put men on the disc, intend to shoot him down with an arrow; it was a very positive attitude, shows that the inner male spirit is very strong, in work and love are very positive.

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