Dream of fencing

What is the meaning of dream of fencing?Dream dream of fencing?Dream of fencing there are the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fencing the detailed solution.

Dream of fencing

Fencing are developed from the ancient sword duel a sport, it combined with graceful movements and flexible tactics, require good sportsmanship is highly concentrated and physical coordination, manifests the athletes good action and quick response.In the dream, fencing often had the symbol of a kind of respect for opponents to competition.

Dream of fencing, this two days is empty one day, make you can't concentrate, your mind will emerge in the vivid imagination and some inspiring ideas, but also become vague and forgetful.These factors will be mixed each other,.You can follow one's inclinations of the imagination, in the aspect of art and music will also be able to free play, writing and speech.You may talk with people in the past two days the occult or make mental problems, but not suitable for sign contract, unfavorable also do need to pay attention to details.Some of the time, this also means that you will be in the past two days, or to go to the hospital to visit patients, and to travel to the water.

Dreaming that I am in fencing and win the champion, bespeak themselves will be competitors with dirty moves bring serious losses, but afterwards the opponent will have a bigger hit or even bankruptcy.

Dreamed that he was defeated in the fencing, said his own business will get more and more people's support.

Dream of fencing sword when broken, said he would lose the support of important relatives and friends.

Dreaming that I am as the referee of fencing, says he will be involved in some disputes in the ambush.

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