Dream of writing the book a judge

Dream of writing the book a judge what meaning be?Dream dream of writing the book a judge?Dream of writing the book a judge with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of writing the book a judge of the detailed solution.

Dream of writing the book a judge

The trial book represents the authority.In the dream, the judge wrote judgment on behalf of his own a strong will.

Dream of writing the book, a judge bespeak his love of people will suffer.

Dream of the judge sentenced the criminals, said it would promotion a raise.

Dream of the judge, said you will use a legal way to deal with things, career or marriage is possible.If the judge thing in your favor, said event can satisfactorily solve, if a home against you, you will use a bad means.

Prisoners dream of trial judge in his own case to break into a furious rage, said beforehand to be released.

Dream of justice, is the symbol of crime, so to proceed with caution, otherwise the most ordinary things can be a crime.

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