Dream of the abbot

Dream of the abbot is what mean?Dream dreamed that the abbot, ok?Held dream of living reality and the influence of the reaction, the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the abbot of the detailed solution.

Dream of the abbot

Dreaming that I am the abbot, warning you will beat by trickery frame.

If you dream of conscientious monks pray piously, suggest you will be cheated by sweet words fall into the cunning to frenzy.

Young women dream of talking to an abbot, predicted she would deign to of cozying up to discredit her reputation.

With a young woman dreamed the abbotTo get married, she will improve their reputation, ignoring the poverty and temptation.

Dream of templesAnd become a monk, has hinted that the dreamer has some problems, in the dream to find a temporary relief;

Dream or buddhist monks, good omen, can have good luck.

Dream of monks to chant buddhist scripture, is death.

Dreamed of becoming a monk, said rebirth or disease can be improved.

Dream of listen to the monk or preaching monk, his career will be on the right track.

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