Dream of portrait

What is the meaning of dream portrait?Dream dream portrait?Dreamed that portrait has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed portrait of the detailed solution.

Dream of portrait

About "portrait" dream, this dream will appear commonly "portrait", "spirit tablet", "the stranger".From the psychological level, "portrait" generally represent the impression of himself in the eyes of others, "spirit tablet" represents his own merits, in dreams "strangers" represents the self character of themselves do not know.A "portrait" dreams, that you sometimes feel contradiction, want to know the true self.

Dream of their own portrait, that means you mature, want to find yourself in the "dark" side, and carries on the restraint and improvement;If so, please keep in mind that haste makes waste, and to seek breakthroughs in stability.

Dream of the deadPortrait, if is the portrait of a loved one, and only represent their own a miss of love, if the family still alive, represents his love;If is the portrait of strangers, the other side of the self the stranger is a dream, means you want to know yourself.

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