Dream of Indian gods

Dream of the gods in India is what mean?Dream dream of the gods in India?Dream of Indian gods have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of India the detailed solutions of the gods.

Dream of Indian gods

Dream of full of mysterious Indian gods, usually expressed in your breast buried with great passion, or is surging the amazing creativity.People engaged in creative work, especially the musicians, painters, writers, to have a good grasp.

Dream of the gods and bodhisattva, god said geely.

Dream of the goddess, means more tolerance and tolerance can help you succeed.

Dream of goddess, means that you can become a wife and mother, will be in a good mood, happy life.

Dream of scolded by the goddess, is inauspicious, means to do things without a second thought didn't mean to hurt others, there will be a disaster, or their children will suffer the trauma of the body.

Dream of the goddess around themselves, or to put the crown on, means excellent reputation, famous four, career progression.This is because they have the courage to bear the pressure, and strive to resolve conflicts and disputes, people try to lead the great search for light in the darkness.

Dream of the goddess lose weapon in his hand, means that it is too sloppy, will under the condition of the unprepared, violent and the enemy.

Had chronic patients dreamed that knock the goddess of incense, is auspicious, the body will recover.

Dream of the goddess away weapons, means fierce fighting with the enemy.

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