Dream of playing the fairy in the sky

What is the meaning of fairy dream of playing in the sky?Dream dream of playing the fairy sky?Fairy dream of playing in the sky with the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you arrange that fairy dream of playing in the detailed solution.

Dream of the fairy

Dreamed of playing the fairy in the sky that have good things happen, might get unexpected wealth.

Men dreamed of playing the fairy in the sky, will meet the ideal woman.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Women dream of playing the fairy in the sky, will be for one art esteems and famous, is a good dream.'

Dream of a fairy in the play that could be posed banquet for their children's marriage.

Dream of the fairy dancing, he is upset with the present situation, the inner eagerly desire happiness.

Writer dream fairies dancing, suggesting that life trivial things brought you a lot of trouble, heart longing for unrestrained freedom.

Dance students dream of fairies, is learning pressure is too great.

The people who work for others dream of fairies dance, said of livelihoods, or being bullied.

Duke of stock market

Dreamed of playing the fairy in the sky, the stock market suggests that the current high prices not durable, if you have interests, should sell arbitrage.

Dreamed of playing the fairy in the sky

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