Dream of the light

Dream of holy light is what mean?Dream dream of holy light, ok?Dream of holy light have a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of the light of the detailed solution.

Dream of the light

General holy light is an angel, god, god will give off light, which is a kind of auspicious sign.

If there is a holy light dream of himself to the top of the head, said you win great reputation and get people's respect and love.

Dream of Buddha's light, fromDuke of zhou interprets, the symbol of divine light, it represents the power of the divine, generally suggest that mental and spiritual sublimation.

Dream of countless Buddha, symbol of happiness, wisdom and compassion, usually means that you want to climb the desire to do better, and to the problems of daily life, can also provide clues to avoid trouble.This dream is sometimes represents the major change in your life, the most likely is your moral attitude, compassionate heart and the wisdom of the dharma.

Widow dreamed have Buddha head, predict to chastity reputation all over the world.

Dream of self head Buddha's light, indicated excellent reputation, will be subject to the affection of his people.

Dream of beautiful melody of the buddhist scriptures: a symbol of peace and enron, generally reflect the state of inner calm.

Criminals dreamt of self overhead is Buddha's light, signal will be released in advance.

Dream of Buddha's light, is a good omen that have good things coming.

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