Dream of Santa Claus

Dream of Santa Claus is what mean?Dream dream of Santa Claus?Dream of Santa Claus has real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed about Santa Claus the detailed solution.

Dream of Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a western festival of legend, a specifically for their children inChristmasOn the eve of the presents mysterious figures.

Dreamed of Santa Claus, is often very childlike innocence, or the recent special miss his childhood.

Dream of Santa Claus, is a gift and the symbol of happiness.

Dream of Santa Claus, bespeak themselves there will be a surprise.Means that you will get a gift.

Dreamed that he became Santa Claus, which indicated there will be an occasion to your side.

Dreamed that he dressed up as Santa to give gifts to others, predict will submit their friends sharing weal and woe, will come back to save the victim.

Patients dream of Santa Claus, foreshadow the body will soon recover.

Traders dream of Santa Claus, means do big business.

Dream of Santa Claus

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