Dream of the spirit god

Dream of the spirit god is what mean?Dream dream of spirit a Lord?Dream of the spirit of god has real effects and reactions, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of the spirit of the Lord.

Dream of the spirit god

Civil servants dream spirit god, portends a promotion.

Ordinary people dream of spirit god, portends a will make a fortune.

Dream of spirit Lord predict success or wealth, or representative to get the help of friends.

Dream of holding sword spirit of god, indicated that the enemy will be eliminated.

Dream of holding steel fork, the spirit of the Lord angry around you there will be a disaster.

Men dreamed of has spirit god coming to his engaging, said it would make more friends.

A womanDream of ling mountain god coming to his engaging, indicated that there will be a help.

New wifeDream of laughterCapacity with the spirit of god, predict the future of children, youth, becomes famous.

Businessman dreamed that he and spirit god together, can predict the market providing, everything goes well.

Dreaming that spirit god and I brushed past, say you might brush with noble, miss career opportunities, or even isolated.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream act spirit, continuous, filial piety, obituary post, bereavement, god, etc.All this dreamer, all main into jue higher, civilian interests to fortune.But song laugher unlucky number.Demolition waste industry, fire burning."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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