Dream of a alter in the church

Dream of the church's alter what meaning be?Dream dream of altar in the church?Dreamed of church altar with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the church's alter the detailed solution.

Dream of a alter in the church

Dream of the altar of the priest, said unpleasant quarrel and career and family.

Dream of altar of marriage, presage a friend's frown, the old man's gone.

Alter a flash in a dream, warn you about mistakes, also contains the meaning of regret.

A dream to see the alter, suggesting that you may have urgent want to get rid of the situation.

May also expressed the subconscious, voluntary or forced to hold the meaning of worship, festivals.

Dream of the altar were filled with offerings that dreamer's work may be in a dilemma, to make a choice between advance and retreat.

Dream of the altar is very cold and cheerless, don't worry that people will get promoted.

If dreaming that I am a part of the body is on the altar, disease in the related parts of the suggested that you may have, to be more careful.

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