Dream of flying dragon

What is the meaning of dream of flying dragon?Dream dream of flying dragon?Dream of flying dragon have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of flying dragon the detailed solution.

Dream of flying dragon

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of flying dragon

Men dreamed of flying dragon, work will have obstacles, will not be smooth, hard to achieve target.

Love is a dream of flying dragon, interpersonal relations will be better.For example, is widely popular among the students, etc., and also there will be a new beginning between the lover, the climax of love is coming.

Students dreamed of flying dragon, explainThe testBad grades.

Dream of golden dragon in the sky, there is a good omen, indicated that the dreamer will get great success in the future, the sky's the limit.

Dream of the dragonFlutter to the ground, you in the near future there will be unexpected earnings.

Dream of the scene of a dragon in heaven or the fire-breathing dragon, or angry, suggest you in the near future will receive unexpected good message, possible career or finances, something well, and will win the respect of everybody, follow, realize the desire, to be successful.

Dreamed that he turned into a dragonfly, forecast the apprentice, you are famous, realize the ideal and ambition in the heart.

Dream of the dragon in the sky fly, suggest you good luck, work, study achievements, draw attention to themselves.

A pregnant womanDream of the dragon, suggests that the dreamer born son will become a big shot in the future, be somebody has a big as;

Pregnant women dream of the white dragon, suggests that the dreamer will have a son, and children will be very smart, can be great;

Pregnant women dream of ascension of the dragon, means that the dream will be come under the son will be a true man indomitable spirit.

Pregnant women dream of Long Feijin room or into clothes, so sincerely congratulations to you, you will give birth to be lively, clever children, and children will be famous in the future!!!!

Pregnant women dream of two Long Feijin room or into clothes, indicate the twins.

The original duke of zhou interprets dream of flying dragon

Dream of dragonfly, main body is expensive."Dunhuang dream book"

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