Dream of earth treasure

Dream of earth treasure what meaning be?Dream dream of earth treasure?Dream of earth treasure have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of earth treasure the detailed solution.

Dream of earth treasure

Represents the Buddha, bodhisattva in much good will be well rewarded.Dream of the bodhisattva smiled, smile dream bodhisattva is a symbol to the world of compassion.

Dream of earth treasure, what do you do with Buddha bodhisattva decree by destiny, it is a dream, all said well, any good mass meaningful things to himself, just do it, not bad.

The town of yueqing south probably will head JiShiChen householder, always doing good.Before this, recite the scriptures in a day, bitter, know hell is back, he saw the said, if you want to know their parents born place, can recite "destroy the bodhisattva, a quick bodhisattva instructions.Then vow, keep vegetarian fast chanting.After more than 30 days, the dream to see like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, sat on the Indus and put the auspicious light, shine.Solemn, bodhisattva method for quarter lay said: "your parents are still in hell".And led him to a place.The householder see their parents are sitting in the courtyard of the hall, holding rosary practitioners, but didn't speak.The cock crow at this time, he woke up, to burn incense kneel in front of the bodhisattva, resend big wish, bliss, parents early was born his life long stop killing.From now on, no matter daily again busy, also recite it again to the scriptures, to promote the dharma rescued the bitter as own duty, don't slack off in years.Founded the heart sutra, and lay out the season a lot of power.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Fire sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, means is in the midst of setbacks;

Earth sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, means that family members may be sick.They are in trouble;

Sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smile wind, means love life be full of joy;

Water sign of people dream of the bodhisattva smiled, mean see his strength is very weak, need the help of others.

Dream earth treasure, ji.As main volunteer, grand cause of Bosch, the elephant."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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