Lucky bamboo of feng shui

Kaiyun bamboo: is that we often say that the lucky bamboo, also known as tower, riches and honor, pagoda, bamboo tower.From Taiwan to circulate, ornamental value is high, is quite popular with the market, has been popular for more than ten years, the role of choosing a lucky bamboo green plant:

1. Can be placed anywhere in the interior.

2. Add water and a little sunshine can grow.

3. The green color will make you happy.

4. Can absorb the harmful gas, indoor dust, adjust air humidity.

5. Just take your little time to maintenance, easy to manage.

6. To be able to maintain exuberant state for a long time, long survival time.

Plants in fengshui plays a very important position, because it is easy to get, also accord with the natural law of feng shui.

Plants on the geomantic learn to use range is very wide, have to evil spirit, also have to rush.But lots of people are sciolistic, thought put plants must be good.In fact, the method of using put plants to increase popular feng shui is also have knowledge greatly.

In the method of feng shui, lucky bamboo is used to push the official academic.If next year to KaoXue promotion or writing, but in wenchang a pendulum four lucky bamboo, and wenchang tower, brush rack also has urged the official urged the role of the school.These things can be used at the same time, to increase the power of wenchang bits.

As the goods of plants should be big leaf, some leaves are pointed long plants of avoid by all means.Horticulture net remind you: lucky bamboo should not be on the money, put it in money or evil spirit will only make fortunes turned bad, there are a lot of people will misunderstand lucky bamboo to improve finances the feng shui of items, in fact, the name was later added, in the whole house money placed lucky bamboo will lead to loss money.

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