Why hanging and calligraphy and painting will add lucky

Why hanging and calligraphy and painting will add lucky

Why to say hanging and calligraphy and painting will add geely to housing?

Traditional fengshui thought: when there is dark house, the defects such as daylighting is insufficient, could compensate for it by hanging and pictures.Such as the mural hung on for peony or sunny flower, can harvest masculinity, make up for the inadequacy of natural lighting, make angry change, become fierce for, to live.

Traditionally, landscape painting hanging on the hall, to view the water to flow around the room, not to drain.Because of the household, water pipes, water flow is inward into the treasure, the water out to lose money.

Symbols prosperity "peony", every year more than the "lotus" and "koi" figure, as well as the symbol of longevity and health "cypress evergreen" figure, etc., such as put in place, is geely's calligraphy and painting of the house.

And modern to pursue the quality of life, decorate homes more meticulous, especially for the choice of wall hanging and painting.If you can hang a picture to the choose and buy when, in reference to traditional geomantic learn some ideas to decorate homes, unfavorable for the favorable factors.So, regardless of the celebrity calligraphy and painting, the artist painting, photographic film, art, photos, landscape photos, etc., to make every family family atmosphere full of active, hope.

Such as suspension, flowers, plants, landscape or fish, birds, horses, crane phoenix auspicious animals, and usually less taboo.But if you like hanging the beast of prey such as dragon, tiger, eagle, you need to pay special attention to painting in the beast's head, to form a pattern of defense, and the head of the beast will threaten their inward.

In addition, the hanging wall hanging and calligraphy and painting must be in line with their own status, the principle is that different occupation or position, to hang a different calligraphy and painting, in order to achieve harmony.

In general, "" nine fish" auspicious, n three sheep figure "is also very good, can bring good luck.Hung the picture in addition to geely, fish, sheep and other animals, also can hang some "frog swimming", "the Monkey King in delight", "best Ma Juntu", etc.

As for landscape can hang some "sunrise", "lake view?", "peony" and so on.They can give when you tired

Bring you relaxed and comfortable sense.

And, of course, can be a few transverse uniform amplitude ratio of calligraphy and painting to hang together, can make the space looks spacious;A few small picture vertical suspension, can make the space distance is high.

At the same time also pay attention to the wall and the contents of the calligraphy and painting, should correspond to the integral style of the house, such as gorgeous pattern can use some gorgeous picture.The layout of the elegant can hang buy to some bright and pure and fresh wall hanging.

But remember, here are some issues can not be ignored:

1. The color is dark or black pictures do not hang around too much.They look will be a heavy feeling, make the person depressed, pessimistic, and lack of motivation.

2. Draw the picture of the ferocious beast is unfavorable to buy, or family mental health will be affected by certain influence.

3. Should not be hung over a character abstract painting, would make my family mood volatile, psychological imbalance, nervous easily.

4. Draw the sunset picture setting in the west don't hang, this kind of painting was lack of passion, do a lack of assertiveness.

Big head portrait of the deceased relatives nor hanging at random, because it will make the family work pressure.

6. Picture is unfavorable also hang falls, or it will make your family luck capricious.

Only pay attention to these problems, when the decoration and residential pattern after unification, the harmony of landscape, rich cultural connotation, can give us to harmony, good fortune, joy and kindness.Also only in this way, we living among them, can make body and mind feel the unprecedented happiness, peace.

Why are hanging and calligraphy and painting add lucky related content

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