Geomantic learn to teach you the bedroom layout decoration

Should not be more than 30 square meters of area

Generally speaking, the bedroom shoulds not be more than 30 square meters.In the imperial palace, the qing emperor's bedroom is only more than 10 square meters.For the sake of his health, the bedroom is a little bit small, if bedroom area is larger, should put the bedroom space into several Spaces.

The appropriate shape should not be round

In terms of shape, the main static, active, so the bedroom appropriate party should not be round.In addition, the furniture in the bedroom, including bed, dresser, mirror, all appropriate parties should not be round.Now some of the house is too big, not only in the master bedroom and a circular window, this design has violated the bedroom the principle of "appropriate static should not move".

Lights should be unfavorable

The light of the residence, kanyu study thought that it would be a "Ming room is dark hall".The bright light requirements, of the sitting room the bedroom light requirements soft beautiful.The light is too strong, easy to emotional instability, with a sharp temper.Do not install lamps and lanterns is in the middle of the bed in the bedroom above, dome light best to avoid the position of the bed.

Corner, column Angle is unfavorable to the bed

In general, the bed to put in the most safe and quiet place in the bedroom.Some inside the bedroom corner or column Angle, in this case, put to avoid the corner of the bed and column Angle, cannot be a corner of the head of a bed and column Angle is opposite, otherwise easy to cause have a headache, insomnia, and the relationship is not harmonious.

Berth should not be close to the stove

In the modern residence, there are many indoor layout in the bedroom and kitchen adjacent.The kitchen fire, the dry gas has an effect on the surrounding environment of fire, after a long time to make people nervous and irritable.

Should not be a mirror is on the bed

The mirror in the bedroom cannot is opposite the head of a bed, sleep in a bed is best can't see the mirror.People often spirit of unsteady when waking up, if suddenly bound to startled to see myself in the mirror.The mirror can be installed in the closet, to wear the dress, open cupboard door and saw a mirror, this method is good.

The head of a bed is unfavorable for the door

Berth should be "hidden" unfavorable "dew", journal of eight curtilage mirror said: "the bed afraid door photograph is strong".T bed against the doorway, tuyere, otherwise they will be a restless sleep, mental stress.If berth cannot avoid the door to rush, so you can sleep in the other side.

In the bedroom shoulds not be press

The bed put beam coping must be avoided.If sleep head at the beam bottom, can make the person feel pressure, after a long time can cause the symptom such as dizziness, headache, insomnia.If you can't avoid the beam, available ceiling beams to cover up, in order to reduce psychological pressure.

To close to the wall of the head of a bed or in kind

Want to rely on a wall of the head of a bed or other material objects, such as chest, etc.After bed without revealing gaps, kanyu study called "the sun is not the star", it will affect the health of the people.After the bed near can give a person the feeling of unease, affect morpheus quality.

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