Why not is opposite the door bed

Why not is opposite the door bed

The bedroom is people working hard day and returned home to rest and energy.And people have about a third of time is spent on the bed, so the bedroom comfortable or not, will directly affect our physical and mental state of the next day.

Tell from the fengshui, the door is port, is also a draught.The bed in the bedroom, if you are on the door is on the tuyere, wind to sleep in a bed is bound to be full of people, if the wind too hard, is vulnerable to disease.

From the scientific perspective, a person in the rest of the time, because many functions of the body in a dormant state, spirit is loosened, the pores in the skin will be open, so the body's energy, at this time are most likely to be lost.At the same time, the ability of resistance to external disturbance will be greatly reduced.So you must create an environment is good for your health of body and mind rest, in order to make sure you are in the process of sleep, not only can save energy, but also can be used to supplement energy.

If put the bed in the bedroom door, namely the tuyere location, then it cannot be added due to energy here, this will definitely affect the host's physical and mental health.To full state of mind to finish a day's work, to face the coming struggle, natural, that may affect your business.

Practice has proved that good bedroom layout is the core area of put the bed in the bedroom, because here the nadis, best nadis most flourishing, belongs to the flourishing place of delivery.Therefore, to fully take advantage of.Says from the illicit close sex, the bed should not be "dew", not to the door, on the tuyere.

Ancient geomantic learn said: bed and door photograph is strong, is to make big fear, there's some truth to this statement is quite.

Modern people more and more on the edge of the awareness of the feng shui is also a kind of old subject, but ancient geomantic learn in China has not been people seriously study and fully understanding, has been the lack of a scientific theory support and argument.

But we will only consider from the Angle of common sense, if the door as opposed to a bed, the illicit close sex of the people will have no protection.In this case, not only causes tense mood, difficult to relax, even scary.In the long run, to the person's nervous system and production system has a different degree of damage.

Journal of eight curtilage mirror said: n bed afraid door photograph is strong, 'if the punch chest, fierce;If the whole body and big fierce.Will set in a bed, conforms to the Chinese zodiac numerology, of evil.Visible location of the ancients put the bed in the bedroom to see how important.

When the bedroom area is finite, and can't avoid bed and door photograph is strong, the way to avoid is between them and a screen

Or baffle can be.Afraid of the door so it can avoid the "bed".

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