What color is the bedroom should be decorated

What color is the bedroom should be decorated

Main function of the bedroom is the place that rest sleep, should make family after work I come home from work, make the nerves he down, if the bedroom is tonal, downy and pleasing to the eye, kind, romantic and poetic makes it easy to sleep sleep, relieve fatigue, more conducive to future energy work in the new day and business.

Too bright or too dark color is not good choice, the former can bring larger to visual impact, make the person spirit YouFen, the longer it will produce mental and visual fatigue.The latter can make the person depressed, it is easy to produce the feeling of fatigue, rest will both affect the person's condition, which affects health, unfavorable use.Should be with sweet and simple but elegant advisable, do not too fresh.Room colorific chooses appropriate and oats with white color, it can make people calm down quickly.Bedroom color avoid all ten color, don't knurling paint.

Bedroom land should be lighter, too deep into the hell.Whole bedroom color to let a person see the comfortable, should be with unity, harmony, quietly elegant is advisable.

Bed sheets, curtains, pillow cases all use the same color, try not to use contrast color, avoid too intense and sharp feeling and not easy to sleep.

The wall of the bedroom as far as possible need not material such as glass, metal and marble, and use of paint, avoiding the bedroom air can be reflected, and is advantageous to the wall, breathing and color should be soft, can feel calm, help to have a rest.

The colour of furniture in the room is tonal of status is very important, to the adornment of the bedroom effect plays a decisive role, therefore cannot be ignored.Furniture colour generally should not only conform to the personal interests, more attention should be paid to and the size of the room, combining indoor light and shade, and coordinated with the colour of wall, ground, but it can't be too close, otherwise no foil each other, also does not produce good results.For smaller, poor light in the room, unfavorable choose too cold tonal;Large room, chaoyang, can have more choice.In addition, should take into account the different area of different function room had a different colour, and the effect of different.Such as light color furniture (including light grey, shallow cream-colored, shallow brown, etc.) can make the room quiet, elegant, beautiful atmosphere, and can enlarge the space, make the room bright bright;And medium brunet furniture (including yellow, orange, etc.) in the color is more bright-coloured, can make the room appear lively and lively.

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