How to put good in bed

How to put good in bed

Bed of feng shui problems exquisite also many, for example, bed can't window, the problem of can't rely on a wall on the right side of the bed is big problem need our attention.

The bed by the window is easy to suffer

Cannot directly touches the bed in the bedroom window, otherwise, will fulfill an old saying goes: the bed by the window, easy to suffer.I remind friends: Windows have a symbol of the emotional meaning, so in a lot of love stories, often have a leading role in window edge longing, together life of the situation of each scenario.So for the window of my bedroom, but can't careless.

First, try not to bed by the window, there is a small walk is better;Moreover, if the head of a bed is bad for the Windows, magnetic field that this is not a good sleep at night is susceptible to interference, come down for a long time, love also will gradually appear rift.Moreover, if the end of the bed to the window, then tend to affect your sex, cause couples of contradictions.So we want to avoid bed by the window

, if there is forced to a window, so, need according to your own numerology or according to the husband and wife, men and women in numerology targeted to resolve.

The right side of the bed can't rely on a wall

Will be subject to the head of a bed, the right side of the bed cannot rely on a wall, strictly speaking, the right side of the bed space may not be less than the left side of the bed space;Further, the right side of the bed put the height of the furniture items cannot be higher than the height of the left put the furniture items.This sentence seems very chatty, but, I hope my friends can read.This is, in fact, with the blue dragon, white tiger in bed

If in bed against the wall, and just the right against the wall, etc., how to do?Only the change of the head of a bed, the sleep, the pillow in on the other side, becomes to the left side of the bed against the wall, problem solved.

How to put the bed is the best

I remind my friends, stay in bed and window into a parallel state is preferred, installs a curtain, and the night before the sleep remember pull a curtain, can stop off bad noxious gas.At the same time, the bed side of the head of a bed against the wall, otherwise, said no backer.And to the left of the bed

Right sides should leave room, at the same time try to get on the right side of the space is greater than or equal to the left to keep out the space;Items of furniture is put on the right side of below items on the left of the furniture.Adjusted to do so, basically, you can rest easy.

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