Master room feng shui

Master room feng shui

1. The location of the master room

Master room is a good or bad is as follows: the east: business.The sunrise every day, can be energizing.The west: large unfavorable.West according to heat, adverse to the health of people.South: advisable.North: ji, anti-corrosion, warm equipment is not good, but if the house will be bad for your health.

2. The shape of a master room

The shape of a master room with square best.If because of the limitation of residence, cannot use the square design, use the rectangular design.Master room, however, the length and width of the gap between the less the better.

Not be able to master room designed to be round.Because the owner of the circular room can make indoor rest people have a feeling of not loyal, stable, easy to appear depressed, lack of sleep, dizziness and other symptoms.

In addition, other such as triangle, pentagon, octagon, semicircle shape, is bad for people's health.Master room is the place of feelings, everything should be quiet.

3. Master room decoration

(1) layout

The design of the master room, in addition to the need to comply with the general requirements of bedroom design, still must from both sides of husband and wife personality type,

Living habits and aesthetic aspects such as comprehensive consideration.In order to guarantee the illicit close sex of the master room, general should be set to the end of whole bedroom, as much as possible to avoid streamline crossover and interference.

(2) colour is tie-in

To create a quiet downy atmosphere, master room colour quietly elegant of general appropriate, such as the milky white, weak yellow, light blue color.If local using contrasting color as an ornament (such as on the yellowish tone with pink purple or blue), want to consider the proportion of color is tie-in.

(3) the lighting requirements

The lamplight of the bedroom shoulds not be too bright point-blank, try to use indirect lighting and tunable light source.Second, the light should be coordinated with indoor color photograph, like white lamp and fluorescent lamp, compared to the former is more optimal macro to foil the atmosphere of the static.

(4) the selection of materials

The development of modern material science and technology, provided larger choice space for interior decoration.On the choice of material master room no

Should be formal, but on the number of various materials used, should have a reasonable limit.A large area of the bedroom wall cloth, fabric material selection should be tapestry, quiet and comfortable material such as wood, the ground should be laid carpet or wooden floor, the quality are in conformity with the function of the have a rest, and has the characteristics of the sound-absorbing, moisture.In order to ensure the quiet of the bedroom, should avoid extensive use of glass, marble, metal and other hard materials.

(5) the atmosphere

How to create a quiet and idle, warm and comfortable atmosphere?Master room decoration atmosphere should be coordinated with function.Although the specific style of master room because of the age of the residents, personality type, education background, aesthetic consciousness of different and different, but a comfortable temperature, tonal, the light at the bedroom environment is always an ideal size of the bedroom.

4. Master room bed

(1) the head of a bed should stick to the wall

Post of the head of a bed wall, which is my head close to the wall over there.Head against the wall to the person with a sense of security, but also to luck.

(2) the head of a bed should be inclined toward the door

No matter how to place the berth, the head of a bed should be inclined toward the door, make the person is in when lying down, can easily see the door.This has two advantages: one is psychologically, see the door can know what people enter or leave the room, and have a sense of security, especially in his own half asleep, can see the door will be more at ease;From the destiny the ways, inclined towards the door, can absorb them through the door into the fresh air in.

(3) the head of a bed avoid is at the door

Bed if directly to the door, whether it's at the door of the head of a bed, or the end of the bed to the door, or a portion of the lathe bed against the door, are unfavorable.And at the head of a bed or the end of the bed directly on the door the most unfavorable.

(4) avoid bed all around

Emptiness of the head of a bed is unfavorable, but if even the bed is no by the end of the bed, surrounded by empty, it is wrong.When the emptiness of the head of a bed, people will lack a sense of security.If the berth as an island, come down for a long, healthy very adverse to the body.If have such decoration, it is best to move it to the wall, make the head of a bed and a bed against the wall.

(5) the top bed avoid lamplight point-blank

Berth should not be put under the light point-blank, especially straight to the head of a bed.Because long-term light, can produce strong radiation effect.

(6) the head of a bed wall cream and kitchen &bath share

We will not casually to any one side wall of the head of a bed, but also know what is behind the wall.If the wall is the kitchen,The toilet, sundry room, etc., are unfavorable.Behind the wall of the head of a bed if the kitchen, and it is just a stove to stick with the head of a bed, more unfavorable.

In addition, if the head of a bed wall is behind the public corridor outside, also should change the position of the head of a bed, because there will be a lot of people walking after wall, the sleeping man is vulnerable to all kinds of noise interference.

(7) avoid too much clutter

Master room space is usually not too big, so should not be in the bedroom more planting potted plants, such as fish or cats and dogs, adverse to health.

5. Master room is acted the role of article

(1) wardrobe with the suitcase

At home reading, thought put in master room, wardrobe, suitcase will affect daily life convenient, it is not a wise idea.But if only chest, suitcase, in order to effectively use of space, should as far as possible such as chest, dresser stand in line.

(2) the table and shelf

Master room tables and shelves are the most ordinary, the table can be used to eat or writing, shelf can be used to place the object.However, due to many practical building area is lesser, try to use every inch of space, so the master room is likely to appear is not in conformity with the principles of feng shui desk and shelf, but please note that sharp shape objects shall be such as to avoid too much into the master room.

Good luck to tip

Build perfect bedroom, it's hard to listen to, in fact as long as follow certain rules and good habits, it's not difficult to do it also.

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