Feng shui bedroom and the relationship of critical points

Feng shui bedroom and the relationship of critical points

(1) take a bed, easy to make a peach blossom: husband and wife two people can have an affair, over time, will go their separate ways, broken homes.

(2) the bed near the window is too: with empty, not their feet on the ground, affect the development of the career.Modern metropolis often building floor, the back floor, there is floor by floor bed excessively near a window, make the bedroom not well keep their privacy;In addition, because the city has become increasingly complex, annoying noise will be through the fan is not too thick glass Windows and affect your sleep;"The window dream more" also in my practice to get fulfilled.According to the previous books recorded in feng shui, bed stand too close to the window, can easily lead to "an affair", have this Monday.

(3) the head of a bed is embedded mirror, inviting the ghosts: master often have a headache, insomnia.Romantic to speak principle and feng shui, but cannot because romantic and affect health.Many young people decorate the house do STH unconventional or unorthodox.What does not know the order, the result of the hit.

(4) avoid of bedroom furniture with uneven: uneven represents not harmonious, stable, easy quarrel.

(5) on the bed and the underground messy can affect the host's luck: in life, many people don't see clean can bring people good luck.In fact, feng shui is not as complicated as you want to get it by your side.Don't like some people intentionally mystification, it holds to the sky, also don't like some people don't understand feng shui, said is a superstition, to stepped on the ground.Feng shui is on your side, everywhere, simple and easy to understand.Everyone knows that mess do not happen, so put away your environment, give yourself a good mood.Good luck to nature.

(6) pleased with the whole bedroom window, avoid is used a separate two or more window: it is a window of the wall, is divided into several blocks, want to have trouble.Feng shui, it is no wonder that also avoid this.The same work there are many differences, can't.Buy a house to see more.

(7) and put the sitting room is not suitable for the bedroom: the bedroom is fond of amplification, broad-leaved plants.Enhance the affection between husband and wife, enhance the master's finances.ACTS as well.Comes easily to the boss.Lobular flowers let host into trivial.Old to do anything again and again.

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