Scott feng shui core technical data: (1) get sticks introductory explanation under the stars

A star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation

1. The prevue compass

Compass is one of the four great inventions of ancient China, "the ancients the vernal equinox day, the tree made eight feet (nie), in order to measure the sun XFX went out, and calm, to build the reticle to point north and south.Four is a positive definite and eight side are playing.Saint to inconvenience civil, yuan female stitch, soil, the generation, namely the compass also."

Compass is SiNa and LiuRen plate of development of the han dynasty, in the tang dynasty, role for days, take a breath, stand away from, sand, water, geodesic, pushing for good or ill luck.

A compass, three yuan plate, triad plate and so on.But the basic framework to three three stitches, but the turf is plate suture needle, needle plate, needle, day the rest for fine-tuning adjuvant.The three sets of coordinate system:

Site for floating in tianchi is positive needle referred to in the north-south orientation, namely the magnetic meridian, used to measure specific direction of mountains, the so-called "set to dragon".Dragon mountain (seventy-two) and the set point, building, to gossip the day after tomorrow.

People of needle, 24 mountain bearing stagger a semilattice, by west in 7.50 between RenZi, c noon, made shadow meridian.Elimination of sand with (hole when measuring the peaks Angle).

Day dish for stitches, 24 mountain bearing stagger a semilattice by east 7.50 between decyl, afternoon reading, meridian refers to the North Pole.Determine the north polar axis.Are needle and the Angle between the stitches is the magnetic declination, stagger a semilattice for magnetic declination are relatively.Used to measure the flow of the good or ill luck.

A total of 3600 compass.24 mountain (to), (to) the azimuth Angle of each mountain for 150.If use the azimuth in center within 90, called "sticks", more than 90, called "for divination", or called "the star".

Every mountain is divided into five lattice (to) (that is, 120 gold), around the middle of a lattice and the next to each one, all blank without words.2 there are middle, such as mountain for c, boxer.

Around the middle and close to have a word, each 30, 3 X3 = 90 as the result.Left without a word of it is more than 90 middle range, for divination.

2. Use a compass

Parallel in the face of the test object, and his hands will Luo Panping end before the bosom, two feet and shoulders, elbows close to the ribs.With their thumb slowly turning turn disk, aim the compass center tianchi Pointers in the north and south, after watching a compass the reticle outside pressure in one word, the word is in (to).Such as reticle pressure on frame unitary word, tianchi pointer and reticle is 90 ° Angle.Test stand to look only at the graticule pressure of words, don't see a pointer.

The so-called "compass error by a thread, riches and honour will see."So using compass must be correct, not to the mountains to set in and between mountains, between terms and, it is made "riding line wandering souls" and "no sit to" big fear of sorrow for the steepest!

Not right and eight fierce square (see brackets, for the hexagrams, also called big empty.):

A (Yin), c (the third), g (shen) and I (hai), (b), (xin), (j), (d) not ugly

See YangZhai generally has two points, one outside, to say the height is the distance of the measurement point, such as room 10 meters high, the measurement within 10 meters away.On another point in the center of the interior.

Luo Panyou many layers, but no matter which kind of compass is very outstanding to 24 mountain, the font size is the largest, most prominent, and have more color, such as gold at the end of the scarlet letter, white background and black text.Black white, etc.

24 mountain of the table

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

3. Sit to YangZhai

Although modern architectural form is diversiform, but sit to the theory of the basic principles of still is Yang to the party, to Yin theory by reply.

The colourful face one of the biggest party to party, buildings can be balcony side to side.

Elevator shaft in the middle of the square tower, should to to to to.A company in the south, for example, all the Windows are in the south, south of should be to.Such as another homes in the west, all the Windows in the west, west of should be to.

Built before their eighty s, the corridor in the middle, on both sides of the housing can be divided into, also should to to, because the window directly the acception of natural gas, and is set but it often is the door shut.

4. Shen one hundred twenty gold (five line, the sound)

(one to JiuYun quick table)

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Note: points of gold, the zodiac with 24 mount points, and each palace gold is 10, such as child decyl with palace, ugly gen with palace, so gold is the same.The one hundred 20 gold correction for Mr Shen Zhureng in late qing dynasty Ming Jiang Dahong twelve points of gold mountain, every mountain is still five bars, but each case by 5 to 3 degrees, and is cancelled, so, 24 mountain, mountains are under five points of gold, avoids the sticks on the side of mountain.

Weak points of gold to a flourishing drain fill for the principle, in order to achieve balance.Points Jin Yunyun have change, with the five elements, see the mountains of the high and low, a measure, size, empty fine-tuning.Discharge of too, insufficient filling.The above listed as the fixed, the five elements, the concrete application according to the different mountains of each shipment.Such as the eight, noon to sub mountain, sit for four mountains.Four for xun, found in the table xun mountain, its sound to let-out discharge xun wood (fire), c (soil) xun wood consumption, wu-cheng (wood) ratio and xun wood, GengChen (gold), xun wood wang Chen xun wood (water).And as eight bases with unitary mountain, mountains of six, six for dry, found in the form of dry mountain, its sound to JiaQu (fire) g dry gold, c (soil) dry raw gold of the reform movement (wood) drained gold, heptyl ratio and dry gold (gold) of the nonyl xu-gou (water) grams of gold.One to JiuYun according to its transport disc lookup.The rest, and so on.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Eight match sticks

5. Innate gossip and gossip the day after tomorrow

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Innate gossip gossip the day after tomorrow

6. Shu and fly star

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

7. JiuYun into a Bai Shuixing into the zhongxing plates

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Two black Saturn in transit

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Three blue Jupiter into the zhongxing pan figure

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Four green Jupiter into the zhongxing pan figure

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Five star loess into the zhongxing pan figure

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Six Bai Jinxing into the zhongxing pan figure

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Seven red into the Venus transit pan figure

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Eight white Saturn in transit

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Nine purple into the zhongxing plates of Mars

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

A: from 1864 to 1883, a Bai Shuixing into.

Second life: from 1884 to 1903, the second into the black Saturn.

Three: from 1904 to 1923, three green into Jupiter.

SiYun: from 1924 to 1943, the green four of Jupiter into.

Five: from 1944 to 1963, five star into the loess.

Six: from 1964 to 1983, six Bai Jinxing into.

Seven: from 1984 to 2003, seven red into the Venus.

Eight: from 2004 to 2023, eight white Saturn into.

JiuYun: from 2024 to 2043, nine of purple into Mars.

Into the eight in 2004, in the twenty years, buried building, seated on the mountain, to adopt into match sticks figure of eight white Saturn.

8. A year into the fly catalog (fly)

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

(note: three yuan is now under the JiuYun yuan, check the yuan time power in a bar.Such as the 2006 c xu-gou, find c xu-gou, three blue parallel to see on the left side of the first column, namely the best year for three blue into.Ding hai 2007 for two black into.)

9. A month into the fly catalog (fly)

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

(note: according to the lunar calendar, will be subject to section.)

Gossip 24 yuan dragon mountain (and I to the Yin and Yang) table

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Tian yuan, also known as dragon parents hexagrams, including unitary meridian sockets, dry xun gen kun.

In yuan, also known as dragon key sticks, ugly is not), including Chen JiaGeng nonyl c.

One yuan, also known as dragon shunza hexagrams, including the third hai Yin ", ding yi xin.

10. Nine star fly instance

Set back is measured with a compass, according to the eight disc (20 years) to find the number on the palace, according to the number represented by the acquired gossip house, found the mountain to the Yin and Yang, is the fly, or the reverse.

Case 1: xu-gou mountain to yuan sticks (eight), nine mountain, seven to.

Calvin to

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Calvin, xun, the third to seven, all is in eight of terms for the subsequent days, against the yuan dragon for heptyl hexagrams, Yang, the fly.

, dry), gived the three mountains, eight in all 9 number, followed by day as the hexagrams, yuan dragon for c mountain from the hexagrams, ↖ Yang, the fly.

Eight hexagrams drawing xu-gou mountain

(note: eight in number is according to the figure of the mountain to find.)

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Nine mountain yuan Yin of the I c YangShun fly to yuan Yin, I seven heptyl YangShun fly

Xu-gou for nine into the center.Calvin for seven into the center.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Calvin to comprehensive figure eight xu-gou mountain

Comprehensive figure is the first three figure into a figure, to match sticks figure eight, on the left for the mountain nine of the suitable flight of the right to seven into suitable to fly, for Chen ZuoWeiShan, right to, is fixed.

Example 2: dry mountain xun to tianyuan (eight), nine mountain, seven to.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Seven xun to terms for the the day after tomorrow, the hexagrams tianyuan dragon is unitary, belong to Yin, inverse fly.

Nine dry mountain, the day after tomorrow as the hexagrams, away from the hexagrams tianyuan dragon for lunch, belong to Yin, inverse fly.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Dry mountain tian yuan for Yang, I afternoon for nine Yin inverse fly xun to tianyuan for Yang, I seven unitary in Yin inverse fly

Dry nine inverse into Chinese xun inverse into seven

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Example 3: hai shan have to yuan (eight), nine mountain, seven to.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation _ geomancy knowledge

The above three cases mountain to good or poor between Yin and Yang of the two stars, see the selected first sit down to three yuan, dragon mountain Calvin to earthly yuan of the dry mountain xun to tianyuan dragon, hai mountains have to belong to one yuan a dragon.Find out belong to, and then see the mountain star to star originally acquired bagua azimuth, determine suitable fly, or the reverse.Such as mountain Calvin to of the sat nine to seven, and nine is acquired from the hexagrams, yuan long as mountain, Yang, the fly.Seven belong to the day after tomorrow against the hexagrams, yuan dragon for heptyl, Yang, the fly.Such as xun to dry mountain, sat nine to seven, and nine is acquired from the hexagrams, tianyuan dragon for lunch, belong to Yin, inverse fly.7 is the day after tomorrow against the hexagrams, tianyuan dragon is unitary, belong to Yin, inverse fly.To, such as hai mountains have sat nine to seven, and nine is acquired from the hexagrams, yuan long as ding, belong to Yin, inverse fly.7 is the day after tomorrow against the hexagrams, yuan dragon for sheen, belong to Yin, inverse fly.

11. A relationship chart

Turf - shu jiugong say againNew Year's DayDisk, the gossip by 24 mountain, is a constant.

Transport disc - nine star fly with one to JiuYun cloth plate.

To the plate - by to star in jiugong YangShun Yin inverse fly cloth, written in lower case number in the top right corner, the dish with the number of all the top right corner to write all call to the stars.

Mountain dish - made in star into the mountains, jiugong YangShun Yin inverse fly cloth, written in small Numbers in the top left corner, ascendant (whatever the upper left corner to write the number of star said mountain.

To the plate, plate called the flying disk.

Site and transport disc for the ground is given priority to, the relationship between ship the disk to the guest.

Shipped on the relationship and the plate flying disk plate is given priority to, fly chart for the guest.

Mountain to fly fly with the rest of the natural relationship between stars to fly to the star mountain is given priority to, the rest of the sixth fly star for times.

To Fang Fei star with the mountain Fang Fei star to Fang Fei star is given priority to, sit Fang Fei star for times.

To give priority to in order to fly to the star, mountain is given priority to with mountain fly star.

The chart is the key to fly star, fly to the star, everything, to fly star failure is failure.

12. The mountain star to star

(1) the main guest relations.In the party, mainly to the star, star mountain for guest, Lord, Penn.

Give priority to the star: born to feed into the star, star mountain is given priority to, raw feed into the star mountain,

G to the star as g, keshan for grams into the star,

Discharge to the star for a living, drain mountain star living out,

Loss to the star for g, damage of mountain for star out,

And to the star than and.And star for than and mountains.

(2) five lines of the correlation between g

Monohydrate, two soil, mark, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine fire of gold.

Mountain to the combination of two stars, is the five elements combination.

(3) good or ill luck relationship

To star as the popular star, was born into the for, and for, into a weakness, born into, and cut both ways.

To star for the return air, produce, for profit, grams into the double-edged, born into, and cut both ways.

To star for ShaQi, dead, gives birth to, for, born into and than and as fierce, g out for profit.

Mountain for popular star, was born into, and for, into service to fierce, gives birth to, for the disadvantages.

Mountain star for return air, produce, for profit, grams, born into, and, to a concrete analysis.

Mountain star for ShaQi, dead, into the, living for, born into and than and as fierce, g out for profit.

Scott feng shui core technical data: a star, get the hexagrams introductory explanation related content

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