Worship ancestral graves bring good luck

Worship ancestral graves bring good luck

Worship ancestral graves luck _ geomancy knowledge

The universe is a perennial to extend, on a family is to rely on heritage from one generation to another.Some relatives died, not only let oneself lost, but also will affect the fate of the living.

butA loved one's death, is the disappearance of the body, is controlled by a substance into another substance, from the dead to the grave.But they remain vitality, this is the power of ancestral graves feng shui.

We buriedRelatives who diedAnd worship them, is not only on our thoughts, and will affect our fate.

And eight male:

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Very clearly is XinJin for use, while XinJin is closely related to career, XinJin for partial printing for Lord of grandpa.Grandfather, such as whether that is to say, or the continuation of grandpa's life is very important to Lord of career.

But eight grams grandpa is very heavy, Lord hasn't been born see grandpa.As a result, Lord not grandpa alive for his help.

In addition, from the combination of the eight, Lord father do the door son-in-law, didn't also can be a very good continuation of grandpa's blood, but father and Lord of life god still inherit grandpa's last name, part of grandpa's vitality.But for the sake of prosperous life main business, must find grandpa's ideaThe graveWorship.

Lord is a man of heart, is also a man of wisdom, although this year to worship me for the teacher learning to learn, but learning research before western psychology of a master, of inheritance is aware the importance of family life, therefore, idea found grandpa's ancestral graves.

But everything has its necessity, also can call it fate.Lord although GengYinNian since last year began looking for grandpa's tomb, but the chance not to, failed to find grandpa the grave.

This XinMao year XinJin in place, the tomb of grandpa must be able to find.When I explain that the principle of the yi-ology, he felt the Chinese to learn magic, also felt the author's yi-ology system science and magic.

Worship offerings this year will bring good luck for his grandpa.Lord of feedback, since the visit grandpa came back, the feeling has good opportunities, which can worship to age his legacy, also let I learned the true science to learn knowledge, theory of the yi-ology you really subverts the traditional yi-ology theory, is I've learned the most simple and clear, the most scientific and practical theory.For my career will be very big and very good effect, and will give me a good career development opportunities.

There are a lot of ignorant people deny yi numerology is scientific, also has a lot of ignorant people are still in that feng shui is superstition, said ancestor worship is superstition.

People are often the most fearless of ignorance, is the most superstitious.They simply don't know anything about yi-ology, numerology, feng shui, numerology dare and profound criticism of yi-ology and feng shui, visible they how fearless!They just say so easy numerology feng shui is superstition, but also listen to the words of others, but his own ignorance repeats ideas, this is the real superstitious!

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