Calligraphy and painting in the hang feng shui in the sitting room

Calligraphy and painting in the hang feng shui in the sitting room

We all like to hang some calligraphy and painting in the sitting room, can is a feast for the eyes, improve their cultural literacy, moreover is better able to decorate the living room.A living room, there is no calligraphy and painting, still can live, entertain guest, but not too shallow, and put up a few elegant calligraphy and painting, the sitting room can add how much brightness, can show master grade.

Geely's calligraphy and painting, household refers to moral calligraphy and the symbol of good luck and best wishes peony painting, symbol of wealth from year to year more than lotus brocade carp figure, symbol of longevity and health of pine crane live figure, symbol of blessing forever cloud hundreds of bats figure, etc.Hang a picture in the home, should be aboveboard content as appropriate, to avoid isolated Uighur.If there is a landscape painting hanging on the hall, to view the water to flow around the room not to drain, because of the household water pipe, the water inflow is into wealth, the water out for loss of goods;Ship painting to make the bow to the room, avoid to the outside, because outside the damage of goods, and the inward treasure.

Calligraphy and painting appropriate cross unfavorable straight at the top of the sofa, if sofa and calligraphy and painting form two balance horizontal line, can play a complementary effect.

Due to various causes, some people put some artistic conception depression pictures hang in the living room, is not suitable for this from the perspective of feng shui.So-called depression artistic conception drawing, including roughly waves, deciduous bleak, seems, alone on the road, the setting sun winter wilderness, evil beasts, dry vine old tree categories such as subjects, the Chinese the most exquisite head, if the above several types of the genre pictures hang in the living room, an and all is bad sight, demoralised, exclusive singular, as a center of the sitting room, artistic effect may be good, but the whole room appears listlessly, demoralised, living among them, the mood will naturally suffered, so a sitting room or to hang in Chinese painting is advisable.

There are some people like to hang flower, peony is a very good choice.National flower peony because moral wealth auspicious, so has been loved by everyone, and put the peony figure in household generally can choose north and south, paeonia wood because it is over, the north is the "water" on the integrity of the earth, wood aquatic and flourishing prosperity;The south is "fire", taking an image of wood fire is thriving, rush in this layout in nearly 20 years of feng shui on nine purple stars;Due to the west as the "gold", wood should not be sikkink, so peony figure should not be commonly in the west.Peony indicative riches and honour, JiaoYan, prosperous, etc., suitable for hanging in the sitting room and bedroom.

Good luck to tip

Geely's calligraphy and painting of the sitting room, to boost household grade, build rich flavor, have very important role.To geely, calligraphy and painting hanging in the sitting room, can be the icing on the cake, prosperous and flourishing, is one of the layout method of good household.

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