Why do small family kitchen should not be located within the hall

Why do small family kitchen should not be located within the hall

Kitchen located within the door in the hall, and general situation of small family homes, the cause was probably limited space, property developers to build the width of the other space, only will make the planning area of the kitchen.Kitchen in the house the coffers of feng shui, however, if the area occupied by the kitchen, or the kitchen door was opening in this position, means that experienced an enter a door to through the sitting room, dining-room, room, directly into the coffers.

Don't think its revenue by straight into the coffers, on behalf of the financial resources into, this is only half right.The reason is the kitchen or the kitchen door (hall) in this area.Inside the hall supports-and, fortune space is certainly have forced, because is easy to earn money and is eager to make money, and the toes.Once. If there is no chance that take the door through a space such as sitting room, dining-room, room, create a good flow of indoor aura, the people living in the house while you make money, also be not much;Even if efforts to retain the money, I'm afraid I also mean save money by himself and his family.That is to say, only when a severe shortchanging yourself, your family's poor scrooge.

Don't choose the kitchen located within the door inside the hall of small family homes.Likewise, the pattern of period room one thousand, would rather spend a little money, also want to advance request property developers to modify drawings, slightly adjusted, in order to meet the requirements of good feng shui.

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