Desk why can affect learning

Desk why can affect learning

Overall, the desk should be put on the light is enough, the air is fresh.Desk should be placed in a corner, this table has a more broad space.According to feng shui is a angry, can make the person's broad-minded.At the same time, the distance from the table door should be a bit further, and the door to the side of the table can prevent others from the door direct peek, the seat of the table

Should have a solid wall, it is the same as mountains give a person with strong feeling.

Put desk should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. The desk is put under the beam, such meetings make sit in desk in front of the person have a kind of oppressive feeling, the mood is not happy, is unfavorable to the study.

2. The desk is against the window, "empty", because the desk on the fengshui is not appropriate.Even if the feng shui aside, single in terms of environment, and is opposite desk window, be they easily attracted by the scenery outside the window distracted, difficult to concentrate on work, the need to focus on their work, particularly affected.Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of their work and study, put desk should avoid is opposite desk window, put the position of the slant a bit in the window is just as well.

3. The desk don't face the hutch, desk is facing the master room or bathroom walls, also cannot back against the wall of toilet or is in the kitchen.Because toilet if the filth of the wet gas straight at reading attentively, will be hazardous to health.

4. The desk do not put on the door.Put the table in the door or get too close to the door, the door of the noise and the glimpse of others

Agent, make people uncomfortable.

5. Avoid desk in aisle Windows.Window is also a port of the residence, will be incorporated into angry and ShaQi, especially the opening to the outside the window in the sidewalk, will include more gas, which is equal to the desk under ShaQi.

6. Avoid readers 座背 door.Namely man sat back door, the door is a port, angry, will also include ShaQi, who sat back door and after a not by Joe, implies no behind the backer, empty, make people lack of security, always has the feeling of is behind the attacks, also can make people feel back cold frightened.Also, often in an alert from behind any tension, so the state of learning to read.

7. Avoid desk is put after the window, transparent glass curtain construction is a kind of popular trend, but as a business decision makers or the executor of the major decisions, seat must not back against the glass, the 'behind not rely on "the situation is the big fear of operators, development of the cause of the loss.Also, in your study, also should avoid behind by cases, greater China niche, especially in the school attended seat behind the desk is best can rely on a wall, thus avoiding the behind no by the phenomenon.

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