Beautifully decorated house why not

Beautifully decorated house why not

Civil work, do not move.

Residence is the place that the family to recuperate, when a new house, or housing residents need to repair for many years, must be carefully taken into consideration, is in line with the principles of modern architecture, both considering whether to conform to the traditional way of feng shui.

In fengshui, which is related to the family's mental and physical conditions, if accidentally destroyed the whole house of the flow of gas, can cause great damage to house the main family.From a scientific point of view, when decorating a house chooses the color and material, will form a certain degree of influence to the human body.If use undeserved, probably will harm the health of the family.

1. Before decorate homes, according to the folk custom and geomantic, combining curtilage master couple and family situation, set each member in your family needs, in order to assign each person's location.

2. Make sure good house decoration materials.

From the perspective of fengshui, the material is divided into five types of basic water fire and earth, and different family should use different materials, some is better to stone (whoqol), some better with wood (wood), and should match the metal doors and Windows equipment (gold).....

From a scientific point of view of environmental protection, should be the preferred environmental protection materials, while with radioactive materials do not use.Otherwise, will greatly damage the body's nerve, make the person produces symptoms of insomnia, headache and so on.

3. Make sure the colour of the entire housing, should first determine the mass-tone attune, including walls, floors, if necessary, is everyone in the room, family members individually selection, determine the color.

In the concrete to choose the color of the room, with white, yellow, blue, green color is beautiful, color also, avoid using black, use less grey.Single bedroom in pink is better.

The ceiling color appropriate light shoulds not be heavy.Traditional thought, the ancient open just chaos into a piece of heaven and earth, then split into two gas, cleaning of the air to rise and to day, sink and heavy cloud of gas and earth, so there is heaven and earth.The ceiling symbol "day", the color, of course, is the light, it is advisable.Light and clear, refers to the shallow color with lighter;Light blue, for example, symbol of the clear blue sky, while the white symbol of baiyun leisurely.While the color of the floor should be deep to comply with day light to heavy.

In general, in a house, the style of the decoration to unity, at least have internal relations.Although read separately, but can not be fiercely independent.Otherwise, it will form the harmonious atmosphere, is not conducive to the whole family live in harmony.

In addition, housing decoration too colorful is considered dangerous, clean and delicate as the auspicious photograph.So, the basic principle of construction, decoration housing is not particular about too much and luxuriant, and should focus on the concise symmetry.For modern residential, some people like to decorate focus on appearance, also should be appropriate to restrain.

In the fengshui believed that the house is full of sun be the spirit of auspicious, but beautifully decorated house is not a real sun be the spirit, just like a candle burning, before go out shine, like a sign of decline began.So, devotion to residential unrealistic luxuriant appearance, will be against nature principle, the so-called "dangerous".

All in all, home is used to satisfy demand in all aspects of life, it can not only requires such, and had an important significance to improve the quality of life of modern people.If along with the increase of family income and economic conditions improve, blindly to house go for looks gorgeous, and so as the years passed, the evolution of living space, then, which day you can really meet for their own housing?

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