Residential why Israel is better

Residential why Israel is better

How many years, the Chinese people under the influence of concept of nature round place, in the construction of housing, whether external or internal rooms, mostly in the form of square, and impartiality.

In fengshui, housing is better.That is to say, from the perspective of the location of above, the shape of the house is square or rectangle, quads without missing Angle, and there are around each other is symmetrical, shape is the ideal home.If it is long and narrow form or irregular form, is considered not auspicious.

This is because, with the principles of fengshui, founder of the residential shape, can be generated quickly energy balance of circulating, won't produce too much or less evil, and thus good for health of body and mind of the Lord.Strange and damage of a missing Angle of a house, its internal qi will flow stagnation or irregular, field distribution is not balanced, will house the main impact of physical and mental health and daily life.

With modern ideas, founder of house high utility rate, put furniture also is very convenient, and easy to meet the requirements of ventilation and lighting, living, meanwhile, will naturally feel happy, calm, finds peace in his home.

Even so, but there are a lot of developers in the market now due to restricted conditions, tend to develop many with a corner of the house, as diamond, make market confusion.So, I suggest you buy a house it is important to note that the shape of a building, as far as possible choose the founder residential.If really have no choice, at least through the design of the space environment to make up for.

Now most of the city housing is narrow.Long and narrow, refers to the length over width is more than double.Such as 10 meters in length, and width only 4 meters, call it is long and narrow.For narrow house, the best solution, is in the sitting room furniture such as short ark, dresser in two, it cut the ribbon into two square space, make it look no longer has a narrow sense.

When arranging furniture, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. Separated part should be as close to the center line, because in this way can the separated two parts can present square, otherwise you will lose its original meaning.

2. Should try to do with the furniture of the shorter interval, such as 1 meter or so short ark or dresser is ideal, because this can make dividing up two Spaces connections are interlinked.If use tall ark or high wall for interval, its effect will sell at a discount greatly.

3. Used as a interval of furniture to the front door to avoid as far as possible, more should pay attention to not let this kind of short ark to herThe childThe door, lest the child, in and out of the inconvenience or collision accident.If really avoid inevitable, only in short ark place beside the plant to do remediation.

Some house can let a person feel refreshed, such as the spring breeze;Some houses have to suppress depressing, sitting restless feeling, this is caused by the advantages and disadvantages of different residential landscape.

Sifang capacious, decorate the coordination of the pattern of the housing is the choice, therefore, when you choose the residence, might as well spend 10 minutes in silence in indoor, feel the homes they can bring you the static gas was lost.

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