Put the appliance in the kitchen

Put the appliance in the kitchen

Although it is very particular about food, but some people didn't pay attention to the environment is clean of the kitchen, tend to put a lot of unnecessary belongings in the kitchen, so that the kitchen become narrow, dark, damp.Such an environment the most easy to breed mosquitoes bugs, become a hotbed of disease planning, poses a great threat to people's health.Therefore, in daily life, keep the kitchen clean is very important.

Fengshui thought, kitchen clean condition is bad, easy to cause the family hand-picked body weak, etc.From the Angle of modern health consideration, also is such.The kitchen is cooking food, if a family do not take the kitchen environment clean, regardless, filthy, easy breeding ground for germs, intestines and stomach discomfort, the family out of shape.In addition, the kitchen health environment if not ideal, can also affect the mood when people cook.Cooking in the dirty chaotic environment, the mood is bad, cooked food, regardless of whether they are natural color, aroma and taste can be discounted, and thus affect the person's appetite, make the whole family body and mood are subject to a certain degree of damage.

The kitchen is the important part of the room, often should clean, these details should not be neglected.Feng shui perspective from the kitchen, the kitchen appliances often should clean, items are put in place, the following points should be paid attention to.

1. The blade

All kinds of kitchen knife or fruit knife in the kitchen should not be hung on the wall or put on the head, should be put in the drawer.Inside the kitchen should not be hanging garlic, Onions, peppers, because these things will absorb the Yin qi.

Pan with 2.

Will show the foundations of the users of the pot, do not use the pan for a long time can scatter "gas", so as soon as possible to get rid of it.Don't use too cheap pot.

3. The spoon, shovels

If the spoon, 4 such is not the end of cast steel, had better use wooden hilt.

4. The chopsticks

Chopsticks using of the performance level is little, the master to use chopsticks is absolutely can't be a bargain.If you want to improve their luck, it is best to use a high quality wooden chopsticks.If the chopsticks on the paint falls off, the best new chopsticks.

5. Electric rice cooker

Electric rice cooker is used for cooked rice appliance, it directly influences the people's energy and money.Ill make rice cooker rice cannot give full of energy and money, so keep the rice cooker clean is very important.

6. Microfiber cloth

The role of the microfiber cloth has two, one is used in the kitchen and the dining room clean effect, the second is the attachment of various relationships.If the microfiber cloth dirty, dive, there will be a malicious people close to, master easily involved in trouble.

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