How to set the counter

How to set the counter

The counter must be behind the wall, there shall be no let a person walk.If glass curtain wall building, the lower part of the counter is glass, you should try this side of the glass cover, such as curtain, or use the decorative cover.

The counter height also wants moderate, high feel rejected people at outside, too low a sense of insecurity.The proper height is in 80?Between 120 cm.

Counter inside with electric stove, electric coffee pot, ancient said the disaster and your breath, is actually will have the cash counter and rich book, one thousandfireBad, first of all, have been affected, of course.

Put money in the safe should be hidden, not to let people see, in order to avoid leakage.But small cash register is not affected by this restriction,

Because the day after close the invoicing, will have a safe income, more important is safe.

Of the counter and the place that take the door to the catering industry, which do not have between the faucet and washing, otherwise it will leak.

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