Avoid chair put what appropriate

Avoid chair put what appropriate

And matching is a chair, desk chair put is in geomantic go up to also have exquisite.So, how to put the chairs?Have He Yi cream?

1. Behind the chair should have

The so-called "on", namely the backer, reliable means of solid wall is behind the chair.If the chair is behind the window and door or channel, also is behind the backer, from the aspects of psychology, the empty chair behind, lack of sense of security.If there really are no solid wall behind the chair and reliable, and is more effective to improve the method, put short ark or screen on the back of the chair, this is called "artificial" close to the mountains, also can have remedial effect.

2. Water should not be behind the chair

If the tank is put behind the chair is geomancy taboo.If short ark is put on the back of a chair of water tank, feng shui wheel decoration decoration is unfavorable also.Of course, if use evergreen to fill the space behind the good.

3. The chair should not be behind a mirror

Behind the chair should not be a large mirror, the person sitting in a chair, people can clearly see from the mirror of the sit back, it was not good.And if it is a mirror in the side not later, back won't be reflected from the mirror, it might just as well.

4. Avoid above beam coping chair

Berth coping with beams, the victims only one or two people sleep in a bed, but if the chair with beam coping, are affected is a family, great influence, so must be avoided.If really can't avoid, can good luck bamboo is put on the tea table on both sides of the chair, with growing up, a bamboo stripes of good luck to solve beam coping.

5. Avoid gate hedge chair

In case of chair with gate hedge it is best to move the chair, if nowhere to move, and then have to put a screen between the two, as a result, from the gate flow inside of the gas will not chair.If the chair to the door unscathed, also do not need to put a screen.

6. Avoid direct light on the top of the chair

Sometimes chair range of weak light, many people will put the lamp on top of the chair, such as hidden in the ceiling of the cylinder

Lamp, or outward signs of shoot the light, because too close to a chair, lighting often straight down from the top of your head, in terms of environmental design, chair of head light point-blank, tend to make emotional tension, dizzy, gets ants in her pants.If the lamp modified toward the wall,

Can be slightly eased.

7. Chair appropriate geely calligraphy and painting

Around the top of the chair or hang on geely's calligraphy and painting, such as a symbol of prosperity peony figure, symbol of longevity and health of conifers Chang Qingtu growing bamboo figure, symbol, etc., in order to the icing on the cake.

Avoid chair put what appropriate relevant content

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