Office seat what pay attention to feng shui

Office seat what pay attention to feng shui

We every day in the office on the seat for a long time.Feng shui theory is that the office seat of feng shui for one's career promotion and a raise, and interpersonal relationships, etc., has the important influence.Here are some avoid geomantic appropriate office seat, need to take more attention at ordinary times.

1, the seat can't straight at the door

Due to the gate for the entire office of air and energy inward and outward, seat is opposite the door, is introductory aura rushed to, easy to affect a person's subconscious, the nervous system, caused by fierce temper or illness.Can stand at the door a screen or plants as a way to resolve.

2. The seat back should have an (wall or cabinet), not back to the door or walkway

People head for brain wave radiation area, and is one of the most sensitive human body induction aura, as a result, the rear of the seat is fixed, the best things.If someone moving behind, is easy to be distracted, potentially part of his attention to the hindbrain, come down for a long time will consume their energy, affects the work efficiency and health.

3. The front seat can't as active line (company personnel in and out of the way)

Front seat so active line, then someone all day in front of in and out, the flow of the aura, will interfere with the magnetic field, a lack of concentration, for a long time will feel scatterbrained, things often go wrong.You can, it is best to change seat.

4. The front seat cannot clingy wall (buffer is not enough)

Man's eyes are in front, is to capture more information, if the seat is too close to the wall, the invisible around people and objects, causes the subconscious mind, will also affect the stability of the nervous system.

5. Front seat is best not to someone

Such as the seat in front of someone face to face, it is a kind of psychological evil spirit.There is no privacy, not cause each other's comfortable, is a distraction, like talking and laughing with each other, and influence the work.It is best to put some potted plants or between two people separated file.

6. Seat room door cannot is opposite the supervisor or boss

Supervisor and boss, generally is the control of workers, according to the ancients says is "g" office workers.It is best not to face their room, because you will be affected by their actions, and unable to concentrate, for a long time also clashed with them easily.It is said that some bosses are getting rid of one of this man to the door, left for a long time that people will automatically.

7. Cannot is opposite the seatThe toiletThe door

Toilet is where noxious gas gathering, and bathroom door is noxious gas discharge, near the toilet door for a long time, or are on the bathroom door, can move by inhaling too much gas and sick.If cannot avoid, can in the toilet seat and equipped with a screen or large broadleaf plants, in order to block off some noxious gas.At ordinary times, the bathroom door also need to be closed at any time.

8. Seat behind the copy machine or computer

Copy machine and computer outside magnetic field is strong, such as seat in computer is too close to or behind, for a long time to affect the magnetic field itself, cause mental and physical barriers, also indirectly affect the fortunes.It is best to keep their distance, or in the middle basin broadleaf plants, but plants to change regularly, otherwise will become the second pollution.

9. Seat cannot is opposite the water dispenser

Like the faucet, water dispensers and water vapour exports, especially someone to turn off the water boiled water, every day, are more likely to affect the stability of the magnetic field nearby.Best if you can, keep a distance.Also note that the seat can't be appliances (such as computers, copiers, fax machines, and air conditioning).

10. Seat can't have a big trash can or clutter

Trash cans or belongings and toilet, is also the second gas source, avoid is auspicious.

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