Dream of partridges

Dream of partridge is what mean?Dream dream of partridges, ok?Dream of partridges have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of partridge detailed solution.

Dream of partridges

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of partridges

Symbol partridge cries of grief, with sorrow.

Dream of partridges, means sorrow in my heart.

A womanWill dream of partridges, and her husband, respectively, and sorrow, so grieved.

Dream of partridge fly in the sky, means that all sorrow will be gone.

Dream of partridge away from our hands, the means that the failure of the case.

Dream of partridge eatThe worm, means to make enemies everywhere, for its own sorrow.

Dream to partridge feeding insects, means that due to the loss of money when you are sad.

Dream of the partridge off into the cage, means loss due to their mistakes.

Dream of partridges released in the cage, it means free from sorrow.

Dream of give others partridge, means to pay for their parents did.

Dreamed of partridge case analysis

Dream description: last night I dreamt of two partridges were locked in a small cage, has also been called and then saw a lot of little partridges, like a chicken I stole a small walk.Dreamed this dream will have what symptom?

Dreams resolution: partridge calls sounds very sad, so the dream of partridges, symbol of grief, at first, two partridges were locked in the cage, a symbol of your sorrow, repressed, heart no release, later you stole a symbol that you are looking for export for inner anguish.Suggest you will soon be able to free from sorrow.Have negative emotions should be timely digest, suppress in the heart can not solve the problem.

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