Dream of stone turtle

Dream of stone turtle is what mean?Dream dream stone turtle?Dream of stone turtle a reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy stone turtle detailed solution.

Dream of stone turtle

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of the stoneThe tortoise

Dream of stone turtle, said they would come from dangerous enemy.

Dream stone turtle, no matter you are good or bad, are inevitably someone deliberately and you can not pass.As the saying goes, "no harm a person heart, prevent the heart of the people do not", so the people around them to guard against is a necessary of life skills.

Dream stone turtles, suggesting that the danger coming, the most dangerous will come from an enemy to your revenge, you will get hurt., therefore, be sure to pay attention to your opponent in view of the behaviors of you make, try to avoid his attack, it can head off.

Dreamed that caught a turtle, health problems.Special attention should be paid to nephritis, hepatitis, jaundice, diseases such as influenza and menstruation to be not moved.Plenty of sleep is the best health method.

Manual workers dreaming that caught a turtle, health concerns is the respiratory system, be careful respiratory infectious diseases, drink soup runfei, less to crowded places, to go where the air is fresh.

Dream of killing the tortoise, portend good luck recently, especially those metallographic "Yin life", will make some new friends.

A man dreamed that killed the tortoise, his recently because of work need to travel, what may encounter obstacles on the way, you want to add beware of.

Single people dream of killing the tortoise, presage a love is good, as long as they can in good faith, efforts will be get better.

A womanDream of killing the tortoise, portends a health will light up the red light, there will be unexpected disease, also suffering from appendicitis, such as sudden illness, avoid excessive stay up cause fatigue, at ordinary times should pay more attention to.

Job seekers dream of killing the tortoise, foreshadow the luck is good, competitive consciousness will also strengthen, ok and bold try some hot jobs.

Students dream of killing the tortoise, which indicated in study, he did not want to study hard, hope to be able to use easily relax want to achieve the result, may use a few little tips to help you, serious point there may be an illegal move.

Old man dreamed that killed the tortoise, portends a poor health, there will be unexpected illness, may be because of staying up late to cause fatigue, at ordinary times should pay more attention to.

Workers dream of killing the tortoise, which indicated chart is very good, work with a lot of opportunities, everything will be satisfactory.

Dreamed of stone turtle case analysis

Dream description: a dream of a big tortoise, is the body, bold look at me and I take a stone him, there are many small tortoise, what do you mean, portend?

Dreams resolution: the tortoise master fu lu, and you take it with a stone, it is destroyed your blessing, you may be because some do not pay attention to offend some people at ordinary times, they'll retaliate for you, you will be hurt.Please be sure to pay attention to.

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