Dream of cod

Dream of cod is what mean?Dream dream of cod?Dream of cod with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cod detailed solution.

Dream of cod

Duke of zhou interpretsDream of cod

Cod is one of the biggest fish catch in the world, is an important food and economic value.

Freudian know cod with male genitalia.

Dream of cod as a staple food for lunch or dinner, then send a family atmosphere, suggests that the dreamer heart yearned for the childhood simple life.

Dreamed of capturing big cod, indicated that family members will get sick.

Men dreamed of cod, promises to be his wifepregnancy

A pregnant womanDream of cod, on behalf of the baby healthy, smooth birth, life in the future will be more and more happy, happy.

Pregnant women dream of cod in swimming in the pond, on behalf of your job or career will not be affected because of pregnancy.

Dreamed of cod case analysis

Dream description: I dreamed I engulfed a silver cod, but was not a bit uncomfortable, and also as usual activities, without any exception.

Resolution: dream dream of eating raw fish, suggesting that the good luck in the future.Meat inside, in addition to raw fish, dreamed that eat other meat, portend a dispute with others.

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